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This Zine helps talk teens/young adults through different aspects of their gender journeys. It includes information like cultural understandings, relationships, different situations, physical appearance, etc. One thing particularly helpful about this resource is that it puts a great emphasis on the fact that everyone has a different gender journey and it can even change over time. 


Decolonizing Gender: The Zine 


If you’re looking for a historical and critical perspective on gender, check out Decolonizing Gender: The Zine. This zine is backed by a curriculum that’s under development, and it offers a decolonized understanding of gender - how it used to be, how it is, and how it could be. With activities and connections to related issues, like the Prison-Industrial Complex, this zine offers a fast but thorough introduction to the effects of colonialism on gender, and how we can move past it together.



Queer Zine Archive Project


Browse over a thousand digitized and digital zines about and by queer folks from around the world for free. What’s a zine? A self-published, small-circulation (think shared between friends, underground of the mainstream publishing world), tiny magazine that can be about most anything—politics, activism, health, art, joy, comics, poetry, and more. Zines are a way to share information quickly and honestly, through community connections, without censorship.

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